Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rain rain...

...stay right here!
Don't go away for another couple years!
Lol, funny, huh? You get it, hahahahaha. Oh, never mind.
Anyway! How is everybody doing on this fine gray, wet day? (Well, it's very wet here anyway... wherever I'm at. [spooky music!] Dun-dun-duuuuuhhhhhh!) In case you think I haven't noticed that I'm a little weird, I know that I'm weird, and I know you know that I'm weird, so now you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know I'm weird. Got that?
I feel my spunk coming back a little... or maybe it's just hyper-ness from friendship bread (a.k.a. death for a diabetic.) That stuff is soooo good though!
Ok, so for a little treat for myself, I actually put uno tablespoon of sugar on my cereal today, which I've never done for six months, but decided to anyway.
Did you know?
That 1 tbs. of sugar is 15 grams of carbohydrates? That a lot of carbs!! (Carbs are energy, and each little unit I give my self is for the ratio of 20 grams/unit. If you don't understand, just go "Wow!" and pretend... that way you don't feel idiotic. It's a hard concept.)
From the Diabetic of Friendship Bread,

1 comment:

  1. I don't think your weird but a little different. I put dos tablespoons of sugar on my cereal. Rain, Rain, stay for another day!
