Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Reply to "the Comment" (scary noise in background)

See? I do answer to comments! If you comment, I'll read it! So don't be afraid to comment!!!

Anyway, the comment was from my very own mom, so incase you didn't read it, she has reminded me that I need to post some of my story.

So, here goes.

But first, I want you to see a picture I did of the main character, Sam. (Otherwise known as Aasami.) I found this pic on the internet, made it black and white, and colored the eyes blue by myself! I try to be talented. -sigh-

Anyway, hope you enjoy...

"Why do you talk to everyone here except me, One?" I unwillingly looked back at him and he was positioned in a relaxed pose. His red hair was flopped to one side and his scorching yellow-gold eyes burned through me. I had to stifle a gasp at his menacing, yet simple, look.

"You see my point." He was referring to my closed mouth.

"I've been warned," I pointed out. A flicker of anger and then curiosity slipped on his face. Then his eyes grew sly.

"Come take a walk with me," he proposed.

"I don't think-"

"Oh, come on. I'm your Guardian, too." I eyed him warily, and stole one last glance at Hikaru. He seemed too busy to disturb, so I stood up, slipped my shoes on and followed him into the dense forest.

He led us through twists and turns, and we ended up next to a river, where he stopped and leaned on a tree. I stood a good couple fee from him, just in case.

"What do you want?" He turned to face me, and slowly, closed most of the space between us. He kept approaching, so I, out of intuition, backed up. When I came up against a tree, I looked both ways, trying to figure out my next move, but he was to close for my liking and kept coming to me, like a lion on its prey. His arm came down on either side of my head, and I tensed to scream.

"You're asking what I want," he stated. Not wanting my answer. "And I want your trust." I was trembling, and I couldn't understand what he was doing.

"Back up." Hikaru's voice sounded behind the tree I was pressed up on. "You're making her uncomfortable. How would you earn her trust that way?"

A low growl sounded from him, who had looked up from me. I pushed my back into the hard bark, trying to get away, before something happened. He looked back at my shaking form and his eyes were raging like a silent fire. Suddenly, and before I knew what was happening, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to the river. I felt like a useless puppy as he dangled me over the ledge.

"No," I panicked. "What the heck are you doing?" As I slowly realized I was in danger, the circulation in my hands was slowly stopping. My arms ached and I started to moan.

"Let go of her!" My vision blurred, and I heard a loud smack. Air whooshed past me.

I'm falling. I'm going to die. I felt the water reach my ankles, and I screamed. It was terribly cold, terribly deadly, like a bolt of electricity searing through my body. The water dragged my head under, and I flailed my arms and legs, trying to get above the current, but there was no break. I was carried along, and oxygen was running out; I couldn't hold it any longer.

My consciousness was slipping, and the last thing I remembered was a splash near my head.

So there you go! I'm only in the 140's for my pages, and my goal is 400, so I have a looooong way to go!

From the Author of the Story Above,



  1. 2 followers and 56 view--- :)
    I like how you left us on a cliffhanger.

  2. sweet story annie! u have WAY more motivation than me when it comes to writing stories! i like it!
