Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter Everybody!

How did rabbits and chicks get accociated with Easter, might I ask? I mean, it's like, "Hey everybody! I saw a rabbit on Easter, so lets have a rabbit be the mascot!" and everyone else said, "Ok."
And how did we get the name "Easter"? I mean, I get Christmas, but Easter? Did everybody start goin' east or "easter" of where they were? Jeez, some holidays just do not make sense. I get the meaning, ya know, the Jesus came back from the dead and all of that, but I don't get why we turned it into some... I don't know... joke? People say, "remember the true meaning of Christmas" but where's the "remember the true meaning of Easter"?
All well. I guess it makes the holiday more exciting for all the little ones. Ah... remember those days? When you would go Easter egg huntin' and you'd eat at your grandma's house (unless your the grandma) or some other relative. Ya know, with the ham and potatoes and then cake or pie or cookies or whatever? When you weren't diabetic... oh wait, that's just me. (Unless your a random diabetic person who is reading this blog... which I highly doubt because there is only 17 hits on this thing.)
Which brings me to the little counter below... I've added it so maybe I'll know if I'm popular on the blog yet. Doesn't seem like that yet. Hello? Anybody out there? If you are, then please, I would greatly appreciate if you told everybody you know. Why? Because what isn't interesting about some random person's life, right? Ever heard a thing of a biography? Well, guess this is it for me. (Except, mine is full of humor and awesomeness, where as yours... well you probably don't have one. Get to work!)
From the humorous wonder,

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