Monday, April 5, 2010

Talent (-less)

Have you ever just picked something up and said, "I'm gonna do this for talent show!" Ever found out that it's really hard and you only got a week? That's how I feel.
Let's be up front, ok?
I do not play guitar. Sure, I play percussion and piano, but guitar? Nope! And then I decide to go on YouTube and look up "Blink" by Revive and try to sing and play guitar for a talent show! Good job Annie! So I basically have a week till the show and I have to learn it all within that time frame, because either that, it's a NoGo. My fingers have almost been rubbed raw and I just am starting today. How am I going to do it? I have absolutely no idea. Any hints out there?
I will try to get where everybody can comment by the way. If you find that you can comment, and you want to comment, (because I know there are people out there reading this who don't want to comment) then go ahead and give a shout out! Whatever you want... well, except for negative stuff like "you suck" and all that. (Because I totally don't need that bogus.)
And by the way... for all the diabetics out there in the world. Thanks for stayin' strong! I know it's hard, but put some humor in it, and like some would say "suck it up" because it's not gonna get better if you're moping.
From the All Randomness,


  1. keep up the good work. You need to post some chapters from your story

  2. you did an awesome job tonight, annie! God bless!
