Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to The Uncreative Blog Name for a Diabetic Story

Hi, my name is Annie. I am a teenager that was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes exactly 1 week ago. This blog is my story, and I welcome you to join it and hopefully it gives you inspiration, or maybe even comfort.
1 week ago my mom noticed diabetic signs. 1) I was drinking lots of water. 2) I lost 10-15 pounds within about 2 months. At first we thought this was because I played tennis, but even after tennis, I was still losing weight. On Oct. 19 I asked for a drink of her Diet Cherry Pepsi because I was really thirsty, and she wanted to check my blood-sugar. (She is Type 2 diabetic, though it doesn't relate to my case at all.) We went upstairs and when we checked my blood-sugar, it was above 600 and a normal person's is around lower 100's. We checked her's and my dad's blood-sugar, and it was normal, and we checked mine. Same results.
The next day, Oct. 20, we went to the docter, where they confirmed my Diabetes. They sent me to the hospital to regulate my blood-sugar. We went to Target and got some pj's, socks, and a bag, then sentenced ourselves to the hospital. There, they gave me 2 I.V.'s, one for fluids and one for blood draw. That night, I had my first insulin shot.
We stayed in the hospital for 5 days, though we were supposed to get out on the 3rd day. On Oct. 25, we got out at 9:00pm. I went to church the next day, and we went shopping for low carb foods. And then, today was my first day back at school.
I give myself my own shots, and test my own blood-sugar. I won't let anyone else do it now. It's been a hard week, and I know exactly how it feels to feel like life doesn't matter, and that I can't get over a fear, but now I know better. I know that if I have to do it, I can do it.
Thanks from your Blogger,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie, I love your new blog. Looking forward to hearing about your journey. Sorry you had to spend so much time in the hospital but glad you're out now and back in school. Take care, Elisa (Rachel's mom)
