Thursday, October 29, 2009

The First Few Days

The first few days at home were... I'm not sure actually. I guess they went okay, certainly not bad, but diabetes couldn't be considered good either.
When we got home, we had to stay up, that way my dad and my aunt could get the insulin. I went to bed at around eleven o' clock and was woken by my mom at 2 and 6 to check my blood-sugar.
In the morning I had a very closely watched breakfast and slept till it was time to go to church. At church, we did the normal, and I met a couple people I hadn't before. They all were trying to help and I really appreciated it. I slept some more after lunch and didn't get up till we went shopping.
(Some things a diabetic always needs! 1) Whether's candy Carmel things! I don't think that's what their called, but they don't have any carbs and they are really yummy! 2) Beef Jerky, good for munching on! 3) Sugar-Free Jello! I consumed almost the entire hospital's worth of Jello when I was there!)
I was a little grumpy from walking everywhere, but as soon as we got back in the car, checked my blood-sugar, everything was fine.
The next day I started school again. My mom came with to settle all the things with the school nurse, and came back at lunch time.
My blood-sugar was in the mid-hundreds, which my body freaked out about since I haven't been that low in who knows how long. So I had a snack and I think I fell asleep too, but I'm not exactly sure. (My life is becoming a blur.)
Life certainly has changed, but it seems to be working out so far. And even though some day's are tough, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle it.

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