Monday, July 26, 2010

This Fact of Life!

Okay, I'm not really sure what to say today, but I just gotta talk. (I can never get enough of talking. Except if I'm really nervous or shy, but that's besides the point.)
Well, Sophie says hi. She has been officially dubbed as "Minion" because she is my minion. (Anyone seen Despicable Me, yet? No? Then get you butt out there and watch it! Then you'll see what I mean.)
Oh man, what is there to say? It's hard to think of things to talk about all the sudden.
Okay, here are some cool facts...
1) Did you know there is such a thing called the 7 minute silence. It means that there is always an awkward moment of silence in a conversation every 7 minutes! Isn't that weird?
2)Okay, check this out next time if your at a grouping (family reunion, hanging out, something like that!) Notice how the men who are talking together will not face each other when talking. Most men will talk with their shoulders facing each other and they won't look at the other person. Now look at the women. They mostly stand facing head on and looking each other in the eye. That's so weird, but true.
3)Sophie's lazy. I know, hard to believe, but it is a fact! (Okay, so maybe not a cool fact, but a fact none the less.)
I better get to bed before I never wake up in the morning! (Oh, who am I kidding. I didn't get up till' 11 this morning!)
From The Interesting Fact Giver,

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