Monday, November 2, 2009

Help Wanted: Creative Blog Name!

I don't really want my blog to be called "the Uncreative Blog Name" forever, so I need help! If you guys can think of any humorous blog names, comment!
Mom an me will review all options. Deadline for me is by December 1st. I will continuously check to see if anyone has put in any offers. If you have more than one idea, go ahead and put in the others! I am excited to see what everybody comes up with! Remember to keep it positive, for this is supposed to be a happy blog, not a depressing blog! Of course I know none of you would do that, but just as a reminder. If you guys feel like commenting, COMMENT! I really appreciate them.
AND A SHOUT-OUT TO MOM--- Thanks for being there these past couple weeks, even when I felt like giving up, and even on those really tough nights (you know what I'm talking about) You were always there, and I appreciate it so much it's hard to explain. I love you.
Thanks again for everybody commenting and even if you've read these past couple of posts and don't comment. Thanks so much!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Random Posting

Hey everybody, if there is that many people anyway.
Being diabetic isn't all bad, in fact, it does have a couple of advantages...
1) If you don't feel like doing something, all you have to say is "I'm feeling so weak!"
2) You can eat in class!
Of course I've never exactly used these advantages, but hey, I might. (Maybe...)
Halloween was a little bit of a bummer. Having all that chocolate! Ugh, it hurts, but I'm cooping. I did have a little bit of pumpkin cheesecake though! At the price of a shot, I would do it!
Not much to say, but I felt like blogging. I appreciate the comments so far! You commenter's are in the lead! Thanks so much,